Current Fish List: Posted on July 27, 2014

Current Fish ListPosted on July 27, 2014, (93) Tanks (1184.5 Gallons of Fish Tanks). I have included the common names of most fish in this posting, for those that don’t like using the scientific names. With an update on my catfish species. Newly added Black Cory’s and replacement Sterbaie Cory’s.



  1. Gold-breast Splitfin, Ilyodon furcidens – CN 2013
  2. Balsas Splitfin – Lennoni, Ilyodon lennoni – Meyer & Förster, 1983, TBA Auction (Nov, 2012)
  3. Butterfly Goodeid, Ameca splendens – CN 2013
  4. Jeweled Splitfin, Xenotoca variata – Gone “2014″ (Will repurchase for breeding purposes shortly)?
  5. Redtail Splitfin, Xenotoca eiseni – BS 2013, SKS Auction, BD 2014
  6. Tequila, Splitfin, Zoogonecticus tequila – CN 2013
  7. Black-fin Goodeid or Green Goodeid, Goodea atripinnis – Imperial Tropical’s 2013 Lost complete colony on May 19, 2014
  8. Black Prince Goodeid, Charcodon audax – RkrzynowekAQBD, Port Chester NY
  9. Splotched Skiffia, Skiffia multipunctata, John Noerpel, York Springs PA, Jan 2014 
  10. Golden Skiffia, Skiffia francesae sayula – jrpatter#79 – TBA Auction (April, 14, 2014)
  11. Zirahuén Allotoca, Allotoca meeki, Opopeo, GWG (Goodied working group) AQBD 2014
  12. Limones splitfin, Ilyodon xantusi, (Hubbs and Turner, 1939), AQBD 2014, Collection Location being researched by seller.


  1. Gilli Molly, Poecilia gilli, La Marguerita, Panama, Goliad Farms, Inc. 
  2. Mexican Molly, Poecilia mexicana, Campeche, Goliad Farms, Inc.
  3. Salvatory MollyPoecilia salvitoris, Honduras, Goliad Farms, Inc.
  4. Wild Green Sailfin Molly, Poecilia petenensis, Goliad Farms, Inc., 4 female left No males for breeding
  5. Poecilia butleri, Swampriveraquatics, AQBD, Miami FL 33135 Only one Fish Left ?
  6. Poecilia latipinna, Wild Caught, Lakeland FL 2013
  7. Wild Peurto Rican Guppys, Poecilia reticulata, Teddy123, Mayaguez Puerto Rico 00680-1504 Puerto Rico
  8. Domestic Guppy’s, Poecilia reticulata, 
    1. Mosco Blacks, Variety, Mason, TBA, March 2014
    2. Half Black Blues, Variety – Acquied from Topshowguppy
    3. Half Red albino’s, Variety Copmlete Colony Died Unknown reasons
    4. Red Guppies – Given to by TBABILL
    5. Ginga Sulphura Guppies – Given to by TBABILL
  9. Poecilia veliferiaNot sure of acqusition, most DIED
  10. Endlers Guppies, Poecilia wingei 
    1. Peacock Endlers Guppies – Pet Land, Winter Haven FL. 2104
    2. Tiger Endlers Guppies – Livefins, Brooksville, FL
  11. Domestic: Poecilia sphenops & Poecilia latipinna (many colors).
    1. Silver Sailfin Molly, TBA Auction 2012 – Unknown Die off, only 3 left
    2. Black Molly, WM 2012Unknown Die off, (1)  left
    3. Black Molly Lyre-tail, PETCO 2014 Unknown Die off, only 1 left
    4. Marble Molly (Melanistic) WM 2012
    5. Gold Wag Sailfin Molly, MW 2013 – All Died Unknown cause
    6. Panda Molly, Poecilia sphenops – Unknown, Not sure of acqusition
    7. Gold Dust MollyPoecilia sphenops –  Unknown, Not sure of acqusition
    8. Black Gold Dust Molly, Poecilia sphenops – acquired from Panda Molly line

Other Livebearers:

  1. Giardinius metalicus, SKS Meeting 2013
  2. Giardinius denticulatus, TBA Auction 2012
  3. Giardinius microdactylus, Mr Southwest, AQBD 2014
  4. Giardinius falcatus, ?


  1. Limia Tiger sp., Mr Southwest, AQBD 2014


  1. Merry widow livebearer, Phallichthys amates () Mr Southwest, AQBD 2014 (DIED 2104) Not Sure I will replace!


  1. Eastern Mosquito Fish, Gambusia holbrooki – Live Caught, Zephyrhills, FL


  1. Convicts BlackAmatitlania nigrofasciata, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012
  2. Pink ConvictsAmatitlania nigrofasciata, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012
  3. Calico cichlidsAmatitlania nigrofasciata, ML, TBA Auction (March 2014)
  4. Red Kribs, Pelvicachromis pulcher, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2014,
  5. Albino Kribs, Pelvicachromis pulcher, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2014
  6. Kribs, juveniles, Pelvicachromis pulcher – LAZ#97- TBA Auction (April, 14, 2014)
  7. “Apistos”Apistogramma
    1. Apistogramma macmasteri (A120 – A121) jrpatter, TBA Auction (April, 14, 2014)Apistogramma macmasteri 
    2. Apistogramma panduro
    3. Apistogramma luelingi
    4. Apistogramma cruzi
    5. Apistogramma viejita
    6. Apistogramma cacuatoides
    7. Apistogramma norberti “Sunset”
  8. “Rams” Microgeophagus
    1. German Blue Rams – Microgeophagus ramirezi – HD TBA Auction May 2014
    2. Golden Ram- Microgeophagus ramirezi – 5D’s,, 2014

For Catfish

  1. Ameiurus nebulosus, Florida Brown Bullhead Catfish, wild caught, Lakeland 2102; only one fish
  2. Hoplosternum littorale, Brown Hoplo, elephish, 2014 Wild caught South Florida. not spawning
  3. Ancistrus cirrhosus, Brown Bristlenose, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012; spawning regularly, Many young available
  4. Ancistrus sp., Albino Bristlenose, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012; spawning regularly, Many young available
  5. Ancistrus sp., Long-fin Bristlenose, Chris Baez, 2013, , Many young available
  6. Ancistrus sp., Blue Eyed Bristlenose, SKS Meeting, July 2-13 Arizona Breeder: Newly acquired Adult Male from HD; , No young available
  7. Corydoras aeneus, Green/Bronze Cory, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012: spawning regularly; No young available
  8. Corydoras aeneus, Albino Cory, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012;spawning regularly; , Many young available
  9. Corydoras schultzie, Black Cory, Aqua-bid, 2014, none available, NEW
  10. Corydoras paleatus, Peppered Cory, First spawn this year, No young available
  11. Corydoras trilineatus, False Julie Cory, 2nd spawn this year; No young available
  12. Corydoras melini, Bandit Cory,  Not spawning
    Corydoras panda Panda Cory, (short-tail), Haven’t spawned this year? Changed to planted tank to see if this helps!
  13. Corydoras panda, Panda Cory,  (long-tail) spawned once!Removed eggs no viable young produced.
  14. Corydoras zygatus, Black Band Catfish, Not spawning
  15. Corydoras agassizii , Spotted Corydoras, Not spawning
  16. Corydoras blochi, Spotback Corydoras, Not spawning
  17. Corydoras sterbai, Sterba’s Corydoras, Aquabid 2014, just acquired, too young to spawn
  18. Corydoras habrosus, Salt and pepper Catfish, spawning?
  19. Corydoras leucomelas, False Spotted Catfish – New; Not spawning
  20. Aspidoras albator, False Macropterus, new fish acquired from HD; 4th spawn, this year
  21. Aspidoras spilotus, spawning regularly: some fish available


  1. Least Kiliifish, Heterandria formosa,  Wild Caught, Zephyrhills, FL  2012-2014, livebearers
  2. American Flagfish, Jordanella floridae,  Wild Caught, Zephyrhills, FL 2014. spawniong
  3. Golden Top-minnow, Fundulus chrysotus,  Wild Caught, Zephyrhills, FL 2014, spawning
  4. Blue-fin Killifish, Lucania goodei Wild Caught, elephish, Lutz, FL2013

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