Category Archives: Other

“Past Water Purification” as it didn’t pertain to Fish

regenerable deminalizer

Industrial Regenerable Deminalizer

When I was in the Water purification business, it was late 70 to 79 and all we were worried about was conductivity. We had to use the large bench top meters and that was it. RO Membranes were just coming into use and we use DuPont’s Industrial Hollow Fiber Membranes, not the cellulose acetate that we use for under counter system today. The other aspect of our business was UV Sterilization. This was all in Industrial applications that had nothing to do with fish. TDS was used as a term only as it applied to the RO Systems. WE also specialized in Deionization Systems with large fiberglass tanks similar to a Home Water Softener tank, that either took activated carbon or resin. Filtration was mostly cartridge type but it used multiple 10″ cotton poly wound filter cartridges and most 30″ filters took (2) guys to open just to turn the wrench to open them up to change it.

Commercial Stainless Steel Filter Housings

Commercial Stainless Steel Filter Housings





Industrial RO System







So in know way was the subject about fish ever brought up. Nitrates wasn’t even a subject unless it was to remove it completely. The only time I ever had a Nitrate problem in a water supply was in Connecticut, at a “Mink Farm” of all things and the water supply was contaminated with Nitrates so bad that it was killing all the prize mink, because the feces from the mink were filtering back into the well supply! It took many years but eventually it found its way to the well water. Al we did was install filter and DI system on the well and it solved the problem.

Most of the water had to be Ultra-Pure the lowest conductivity that we could get, then UV sterilized and micron filtered as far down as we could get it. Millipore Corporation eventually bought the company I work for and with the new RO system of today using the less expensive membranes having to spend large amounts of money on Ultra-Pure Water was a thing of the past. Most laboratories use a on the counter system that hooks up to the lab faucet, with either an RO or a DI system or a combination of both including a UV sterilizer. (see pic)
HD MilliQ Integral Profil QPOD Millipak-16[123337-ALL]

I just though some of you would be interested in the water systems of the past. Joe can tell you about the progress of several technologies that came after that time period, that pertain to water quality and Fish, but I have big gap and memory loss about a lot of it after open heart surgery I had both long term and short term memory loss. Thanks for reading.


“Poll Results” Posted”

Info gathered from the TBA(Tampa Bay Aquarium Society) forum members, blog followers and search engine links!

Type of Tank Acquire Tropical Fish Acquire Tropical Fish Food How many tanks Live Food Tank Size Tropical Fish Purchased

“Tropical Fish Survey & Poll”

“Tropical Fish Survey & Poll”.

“Tropical Fish Survey & Poll”

The pole will last one week! I will post results if I get a good response! You can also press the view results button on the bottom of each poll and see the current results!

Me “Ron”

I was admitted to the VA Hospital on Sunday with a Heart attack, it was only slight, but I had to have (4) stints put in. I am Ok! now, resting. Just thought you might like to know. I’m OK now!  I will recover just fine as long as I stay away from cholesterol and things that will plug up my arteries. The hardest thing is worrying about the fish, if I am home I can take care of them but when I am in the hospital, I worry who will feed them etc. I had to leave them unfed for (2) days. I called a friend to see if he could feed them and he never called me back. He is very unreliable, that way. My wife had been in the hospital also so she could not do anything for me because she ended up with a week heart and bad heart valve from the flu virus and pneumonia she had. Neither of us have any relatives to fall back on down here in Florida. OH well!

01-15-2014 I haven’t Posted in awhile!

I haven’t Posted in awhile! I guess I feel like typing today! Several things have occurred since my last post. I will list them here and then discuss them separately.
Current Fish List & Tanks!
Update on LED Lighting!
Acquisition of additional Goodeid species into breeding program!
Other livebearers, acquired.
Girardinus species overview! Plus Identification Chart!
Ilyodon lennoni, question as to validity of species!
New Products acquired, Plus & Minus!

09-19-2013 Bad Day

I had a really bad day yesterday! I decided to clean a 55 gallon tank I had in the corner. I started vacuuming it and remembered that I said the next time I clean it I was going to take it down and paint the back blue. It is the only large tank I have that is not painted. I paint all the backs of my tanks with blue spay paint. No fancy backgrounds for me, I like to keep it simple stupid.

Well I got the tank empty put some fish in the main cichlid tank next to it and some in a bucket. I then proceeded to try to wrestle the tank out of the corner. I had it on an angle a was proceeding to get it out when “POP” the tank next to it full of fish and 55 gallons of water burst all over the place. I was putting too much pressure on the edge. This was a used tank and it had a little nick in the glass at the point that it broke.

Well I had fish and glass and large gravel everywhere. I started trying to grab the fish three at a time, but that didn’t work I just dropped them again so I picked  up one at a time and put it back unto the next 55 gallon tank. There were about 20 fish mostly Pink Convict Males, but my green terrors and large Firemouth males were there also.

I got all the fish picked up and back in the tank with my Salvini babies, and they seemed alright a little shaken but Ok! I was a little more than shaken though now having (2) large tanks down and one tank overcrowded with fish, let alone have all that shattered glass and a cut on my leg from when the glass shattered, the pressure of the water and glass exploding into a million pieces (it was tempered glass, it like safety glass when it breaks). I started to sponge mop up the glass on the floor, into piles so I could  shovel it up into a trash bin. I then had to pick the pieces out of the gravel still in the aquarium bottom. Any gravel that went on the floor I just through out with the glass. It would have been to difficult and time consuming trying to pick gravel out of all that glass. I did though pick out the glass from the remaining gravel then proceeded to shovel the gravel out into a 5 gallon bucket. I was the able to remove the broken 55 gallon tank and then the tank I was going to paint. I put them on furniture dolly’s and moved them outside.

Now what to do with the space. Should I put the good 55 back and waite to repair the broken 55 which could take along time. I then would still have the same problem of having to move one tank to get at another, and I probably will never get the 55 gallon fixed. It can be repaired but it’s a lot of work, and the glass isn’t cheap.

I decided to put the remaining (55) Gallon by the door where I have 2 (10) gallons in the space placed horizontally. They are taking up a 4 foot section of rack. I will put them in vertically in the space that the burst (55) tank and the still good (55) came from. I can get 9 (10) gallon tanks in that space. The (10) gallon tanks that I have spread out over the fish room will be moved vertically to this space. I will have to modify the rack and put a front support in, but I think it will be a much better fit in the fish room. I won’t have to struggle to remove any 55  gallon tanks.

I adjusted the fit and changed the shelf configuration, emptied 8 (10) gallon tanks one at a time and moved them to the new location. I then painted the front support black and installed it on the shelves. It looks good.

When I move the (2) Wild Molly tanks, I was worried that someone would jump out, so I was careful as I emptied the tank. After I put it in place I carefully filled it with water, but did not put a lid on it yet. Working on the other tank about an hour later I looked down and there was a Mexican Molly Female on the floor under my feet, it was dead, I had stepped on it while working. Damn it! It was the last female I had. I got plenty of babies from them but only two adults left (Male & Female). They have all jumped out of the tank while cleaning even though I had glass covers on there tanks.

Out of all this I only lost (4) fish so far; (2) Black Convicts that were put in the bucket for the move; the (1) Mexican Molly and; (1) Salvini fry that was in the tank,  I moved the fish too that went on the floor. Amazing that more fish that went on the floor didn’t die. Being larger adult males I guess made a difference, in there ability to withstand that kind of stress. Oh yeah! I did loose a bunch of Jewell Cichlid fry that were in the burst tank,  but I didn’t want them anyways and they were too small to try to find in the mess and confusion.

While I was working I notice the level of the tank that I had put all the fish in was kinda low so I turned the water on to fill up the level to the top, plus I figured all the fresh water would help the over crowding. While I was filling the tank I got a phone cal from my friend Chris. I got distracted and went outside so I could hear him better. We talked for about 1/2 hour and when I hung up I remembered I had left the water running to fill that tank. When I went back into the fish room I had another 55 gallons of water all over the floor. Thank goodness I have a Large SS wet dry vac, that I had just spent most of the day sucking up water, glass and gravel from the burst tank. Now I had to again clean the entire floor of water with the wet vac. I then went to eat a late lunch and when I came back the floor was mostly dry and I could proceed to move the tanks.

Thanks for listening to my bad day News, hope your day went well and was not any thing like mine. 
