Tag Archives: Corydoras schultzie

Current Fish List and Spawning Report: Posted on Oct 12, 2014

Current Tank & Fish List with Spawning Report

Posted on  Oct 12, 2014

Tank List:

(95) Tanks
(6) 55 gal [330 gallons]
(9) 20 gal long [180 gallons]
(29) 5.5 gal [159.5 gallons] of water
(50) 10 gal. [500 gallons](1) 30 gallon

(95) Tanks (1199.5 Gallons of Fish Tanks). I have included the common names of most fish in this posting, for those that don’t like using the scientific names. Over 1000 Gallons of Water with fish. Spawning report in Red Italics.



  1. Gold-breast Splitfin, Ilyodon furcidens – CN 2013; Spawning regularly
  2. Balsas Splitfin – Lennoni, Ilyodon lennoni – Meyer & Förster, 1983, TBA Auction (Nov, 2012) – Lost 2 young fish on hot day.
  3. Butterfly Goodeid, Ameca splendens – CN 2013;  Spawning regularly
  4. Jeweled Splitfin, Xenotoca variata – Gone “2014” (purchased from Bubby Den in GA)
  5. Redtail Splitfin, Xenotoca eiseni – BS 2013, SKS Auction, BD 2014 –(1) small fry ; (2) females look pregnant
  6. Tequila, Splitfin, Zoogonecticus tequila – CN 2013; Not spawning at least no young yet!
  7. Black Prince Goodeid, Charcodon audax – RkrzynowekAQBD, Port Chester NY- (8) New Young
  8. Splotched Skiffia, Skiffia multipunctata, John Noerpel, York Springs PA, Jan 2014 – All died after moving to bigger tank
  9. Golden Skiffia, Skiffia francesae sayula – jrpatter#79 – TBAS, Auction (April, 14, 2014) – 2nd batch that died?
  10. Zirahuén Allotoca, Allotoca meeki, Opopeo, GWG (Goodied working group) No old enough to spawn, last one died Oct 1, 2014
  11. Limones splitfin, Ilyodon xantusi, (Hubbs and Turner, 1939), louiestank.com AQBD 2014, Collection Location being researched by seller? No location found! No old enough to spawn, still have 3


  1. Gilli Molly, Poecilia gilli, La Marguerita, Panama, Goliad Farms, Inc.Spawning regularly
  2. Mexican Molly, Poecilia mexicana, Campeche, Goliad Farms, Inc. Spawning regularly
  3. Salvatory MollyPoecilia salvitoris, Honduras, Goliad Farms, Inc. Spawning regularly
  4. Wild Green Sailfin Molly, Poecilia petenensis, Goliad Farms, Inc. Spawning regularly
  5. Poecilia butleri, Swampriveraquatics, AQBD, Miami FL 33135, only one fish left
  6. Poecilia latipinna, Wild Caught, Lakeland FL 2013, one looks pregnant
  7. Wild Peurto Rican Guppys, Poecilia reticulata, Teddy123, Mayaguez Puerto Rico 00680-1504 Puerto Rico; Spawning regularly
  8. Domestic: Poecilia (Phasing out Domestic Mollies). Silver Sailfin Molly, Black Molly, Marble Molly (Melanistic) 

Other Livebearers:


  • Domestic Guppy’s, Poecilia reticulata, 
    1. Mosco Blacks, Variety, Mason, TBAS, March 2014, Spawning regularly
    2. Half Blacks Blue, Variety, HDARIN Spawning regularly
    3. Half Blacks Yellow, Variety, Pet World, Winter Haven, FL, Spawning regularly
    4. Pastel Blue ?, Pet World, Winter Haven, FL,
    5. Petco, Lakeland, FL,
    6. Half Red albino’s, Variety, TBAS Auction June 2014, Spawning regularly
    7. Ginga Ruba Guppies – BLDSHLDS Aug 2104, Now Breeding

Endler’s Guppy’s

  1. Endler’s Guppy’s, ? , Poecilia wingei ,
  2. Tiger Endler’s Guppy’s, Poecilia wingei, Livefins 2014, Spawning regularly, only 1 male left


  1. Giardinius metalicus, SKS Meeting 2013, Spawning regularly


  1. Limia Tiger sp.,  Mr Southwest, AQBD 2014;  Spawning regularly


  1. Convicts BlackAmatitlania nigrofasciata, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012; Spawning regularly
  2. Pink ConvictsAmatitlania nigrofasciata, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012; Spawning regularly 
  3. Calico cichlidsAmatitlania nigrofasciata, ML, TBAS Auction (March 2014), 1st Spawn
  4. Kribs, Pelvicachromis pulcher, Pet Supermarket/ 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012;
    1. Kribs, Both Red, Pelvicachromis pulcher, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2014: Spawning regularly: (5) Young Fry
    2. Kribs, Both Albino, Pelvicachromis pulcher, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2014: Spawning regularly (6) Young Fry
    3. Kribs, juveniles, Pelvicachromis pulcher – LAZ#97- TBAS Auction (April, 14, 2014); Haven’t Spawned yet

Apistogramma – Dwarf Cichlids

  1. Apistogramma macmasteri (A120 – A121) jrpatter, TBAS Auction (April, 14, 2014), Haven’t Spawned yet
  2. Apistogramma luelingi, SKS Auction May 2104; Haven’t Spawned yet
  3. Apistogramma cruzi, SKS Auction May 2104; Haven’t Spawned yet
  4. Apistogramma viejita, jrpatter, TBAS Auction (April, 14, 2014) Haven’t Spawned yet
  5. Apistogramma cacuatoides, SKS Auction May 2104; Haven’t Spawned yet
  6. Apistogramma norberti “Sunset”, jrpatter, TBAS Auction (April, 14, 2014) Haven’t Spawned yet
  7. German Blue Rams; HD TBAS Auction (April, 14, 2014) Haven’t Spawned yet


  1. Florida Brown Bullhead catfish, Ameiurus nebulosus; only one fish
  2. Brown Bristlenose, Ancistrus cirrhosus, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012; spawning regularly, Many young available
  3. Albino Bristlenose, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012; spawning regularly, Many young available
  4. Long-fin Bristlenose, Chris Baez, 2013, , Many young available
  5. Blue Eyed Bristlenose, SKS Meeting, July 2-13 Arizona Breeder: Newly acquired Adult Male from HD; , No young available
  6. Super Red Bristlenose – Chuck MN (Oct 2104) 8 fish


  1. Hoplosternum littorale,  Hoplo Cat – BLSHDS – August 2014 – Spawning – Will have young available For Sale


  1. Corydoras aeneus, Green/Bronze, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012: spawning regularly; No young available
  2.  Corydoras aeneus, Albino Cory, 5 D’s Tropical’s; 2012;spawning regularly; , Many young available
  3. Corydoras aeneus, Red Laser Cory,  Hank Darin; 2014; not spawning
  4. Corydoras paleatus, Peppered Cory, First spawn this year
  5. Corydoras paleatus, Albino Peppered Cory, Long-Fin,  TBAS Auction Sept 2014
  6. Corydoras paleatus, Long-fin Peppered Cory,  TBAS Auction Sept 2014
  7. Corydoras trilineatus, First spawn this year; No young available
  8. Corydoras melini, Not spawning
  9. Corydoras panda, Panda Cory,  (short-tail), Spawned several times no young yet
  10. Corydoras panda, Panda Cory,  (long-tail) spawned once!Removed eggs no viable young produced.
  11. Corydoras delphi, (2) Marine Warehouse, Tampa, FL, Fish Not spawning
  12. Corydoras rabauti, (2) 5 D’s Tropical’s, Not spawning
  13. Corydoras agassizii , Marine Warehouse, Tampa, FL, Not spawning
  14. Corydoras gomezi, (2) Marine Warehouse, Tampa, FL, Confused with C. agassizii, Not spawning
  15. Corydoras sterbai, Acquired Oct-2014,  Walter Kraus, aquariumstock@yahoo.com, Spawned Once
  16. Corydoras habrosus, Marine Warehouse, Tampa, FL, not spawning?
  17. Corydoras leucomelas – 4 Fish 4 You, Braedonton, FL,  Not spawning
  18. Corydoras elegans – Nolan’s Aquarium, Lakeland, FL New; Not spawning
  19. Corydoras pygmaeus – TBAS Auction Sept 2014,  New; Not spawning
  20. Corydoras venezuelanus (6) Black Cory’s,  Bruce Yates <brucewanda@bellsouth.net,  New; Not spawning


  1. Aspidoras albator, Originals acquired from Chris Baez, new fish acquired from Hank Darin; spawning regularly
  2. Aspidoras spilotus, Originals acquired from Chris Baez, spawning regularly: some fish available


  1.  Heterandria formosa, Least Kiliifish, Wild Caught, Zephyrhills, FL  2012-2014; Spawning regularly
  2.  Jordanella floridae, Florida Flagfish, Wild Caught, Zephyrhills, FL 2014; Spawning
  3. Fundulus chrysotus, Golden Top-minnow, Wild Caught, Zephyrhills, FL 2014; (1) spawn – 6 Young
  4. Lucania goodei, Blue-fin Killifish, Wild Caught, Lakeland, FL2013; New fish acquired  from BShlds; Not spawning

Corydoras aeneus “Black”

Black Cory_schultzieI just bought some “Corydoras venezuelanus” Black Cory’s, I read all that this forum says about them! I was wondering if anyone has had any other experiences or knowledge about this “New” species. The breeder of these fish states black corydoras spawned and raised in my fish room.

The black form appears in a localized area in the Central Llanos of Venezuela, close to the Middle Orinoco. These tributaries are typically slow and very warm. The black form is only found in the Llanos in drainages of the Orinoco.

Here is a picture of what I bought! The pic is from the breeder!


I sent several post to people on http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=40714. This is the response I received.

This mix up only happens in the US partially due to the fact that the black C. venzuelanus were bred there by Don Kinyon and partially due to the lack of the pictured fish in the US until later than Europe. The guys / posts above are correct on ID.

They were developed in Germany but since then have been extensively bred in the Czech Republic, there is a post by Ian Fuller on this thread explaining it.
We in the Uk have the same problem with them being misnamed as black Venezuelans.

In the states I think people are intentionally calling them venezuelanus knowing full well what they truly are, trying to get more value from the fish by claiming them as “Wild” or “F1”.

It’s a shame that fish identities intentionally get lost because another name increases the value.

I looked up synonyms to Corydoras aeneus on “Fish base”! This is what I got!


So according to Fishbase Corydoras schultzie and Corydoras venezuelanus are just synonyms of Corydoras aeneus! So are the black Cory’s aeneus or something else entirely? Were they collected as pure black fish or a creation of some ones hybridization? Is the name we are using on them even correct?

Scot Cats http://www.scotcat.com/callichthyidae/c_aeneus_black.htm has a better description of what they are:

This aquarium strain was first bred in Germany in 1989 and is now being bred in the Czech Republic. It has been bred from the schultzei- type variety of C.aeneus which some aquarists believe is [schultzei] a species in its own right. The “real” black aeneus wild strain is from the Llanos of Venezuela and also Colombia which is being imported as “black aeneus”. The wild strain has more of a brown body colour. Aquarium Care: Will do well in a community setup with smaller tank mates such as Rasboras and Tetra’s. Do not house with aggressive species or large Cichlids. Reproduction: Breeding is comparatively easy with cool water changes that lowers the temperature, triggering them off. Feed a good balanced diet making sure that they get their full quota of food if kept in a community tank. Diet: A good quality flake food provides all the essential vitamins that they need with extra feedings of frozen bloodworm, white worm (sparingly) and tablet food.

This goes back to the old problem as to what each individual calls the fish. That’s why scientific names are so important to identify fish or any animal. I think whoever first produced this fish or collected this fish should have done the paperwork for proper identification. I guess the name should be Corydoras sp. aeneus “venezuelanus black schultzie”
