Tag Archives: Tank List

Current Tank List :  July 12, 2014 (1145.5 Gallons of Fish in Tanks).

(89) Tanks (1194.5 Gallons of Fish Tanks)

  • (4) 55 gallon Tanks  (220 Gallons) (2) were donations (1) Bought from Petco; (1) Bought from Johns pond (1) 55 gallon Tank still with broken glass; haven’t found a replacement piece  of glass yet!
  • (1) 30 Gallon Tank (30 Gallons), Donation from Neighbor
  • (10) 20 gallon long Tanks  (200 Gallons) Most bought from Petco; (1) From Johns pond (1) New Bought From Petco
  • (21) 5.5 gallon Tanks  (115.5 Gallons);Many Bought from Petco; (1) were Bought from Johns pond; (1) was bought from yard sale. 2 New Bought From Petco
  • (58) 10 gallon Tanks  (580 Gallons) Many were donations; Some  Bought from Petco; some were Bought from Johns pond; Some were bought from yard sales; 2 New Bought From Petco 
  • Space for (2) more 20 gallon long tanks.

Current Tank List :  June 19, 2014 (1094.5 Gallons of Fish in Tanks).

(89) Tanks (1194.5 Gallons of Fish Tanks)

  • (4) 55 gallon Tanks  (220 Gallons) (2) were donations (1) Bought from Petco; (1) Bought from Johns pond (1) 55 gallon Tank still with broken glass; haven’t found a replacement piece  of glass yet!
  • (1) 30 Gallon Tank (30 Gallons), Donation from Neighbor
  • (9) 20 gallon long Tanks  (180 Gallons) Most bought from Petco; (1) From Johns pond
  • (19) 5.5 gallon Tanks  (104.5 Gallons);Many Bought from Petco; (1) were Bought from Johns pond; (1) was bought from yard sale. 
  • (56) 10 gallon Tanks  (560 Gallons) Many were donations; Some  Bought from Petco; some were Bought from Johns pond; Some were bought from yard sales 


“Poll Results” Posted”

Info gathered from the TBA(Tampa Bay Aquarium Society) forum members, blog followers and search engine links!

Type of Tank Acquire Tropical Fish Acquire Tropical Fish Food How many tanks Live Food Tank Size Tropical Fish Purchased

“Tropical Fish Survey & Poll”

“Tropical Fish Survey & Poll”.

“2014 Fish Room Renovations”

I am currently renovating my fish room. Trying to economize on my electric bill and increase tank numbers. I currently have about 75 tanks and am pushing towards 100. I need to buy a Garden shed to put all the junk I have, in the other half of my garage. I call it junk, but its all my tools, craftsman tool box, work bench and parts storage bins. Its also my garden & lawn tools storage. It’s become very difficult to run the fish room properly with all that “junk” mulling around. My plan is to move it out to the storage building and set up more racks with a smaller work station to box and ship fish. Some of the planned renovations are as follows:

ImageNEW AP-100 Supreme Air Pump and remove (4) old air pumps and increase the size of the room air loop to accommodated the new pump. – Completed – Part 1


ImageNEW Wet Sink – Fish Room Renovations – Completed – Part 2


ImageNEW UV recirculating system and Re-plumb all incoming waterlines.Completed Part 3


ImageInstall in new loop 50 more Plastic air valves purchased from the FFTFA Coop Store.



“2nd Rack Built”


“1st Rack Built”

Rearrange current tank racks to increase efficiency throughout the fish room.

NEW Wet Sink – Fish Room Renovations Part 2

I finally got rid of the old wet sink I had fabricated out of an old plastic concrete tub. I purchased a double laundry sink from EBAY, for only $ 79.00, it was well worth the price and a lot cheaper than you can get from Lowes Or Home Depot, and it was free freight from NJ. I just got finished installing it in the fish room. Its great, I re-plumbed the whole room from the two filter housings forward. I added another filter so I can now have a prefilter before the (2) carbon block filters, and then a fourth with mixed bed DI resin a bypass so I can produce DI quality water when I want. All the water goes up into a holding tank and then is heated to about 80 degrees with a 120 Watt Quartz Heater. I then installed a recirculating loop on the other end of the tank and it goes through a 18 WT Pond UV sterilizer.


Old Wet Sink


New Wet Sink


Water Storage Tank & UV recirculating Loop




DeIonization Filter